Do you feel blocked in an aspect of your life?
Whether it is relationships, career, fertility, health, finances, etc… blockages can be dissolved. So often, these obstructions are due to past experiences, to conditioning, to limiting beliefs or… to limiting emotions. By addressing the potential causes of the stagnation in your life with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), you can release the stuck-ness in your life.
Are you ready to press your reset button?
The aim of EFT is to help release emotions attached to present and past experiences. By helping to create an emotional reset, this therapeutic technique can have a positive impact on health, performance and life quality.
EFT, aka emotional acupuncture
Emotional Freedom Technique is often referred to as emotional acupuncture. The EFT technique is based on ancient Chinese medicine. This traditional medicine focuses on rebalancing the body’s energy system. By doing so, it brings relief both on the physical level as well as the mental-emotional level.
In other terms…
During a session, patients tap on acupuncture points while talking of difficult situations, challenging memories or blockages that they are experiencing in their life. The combination of talking and tapping often brings forth the sensation of stuck energy. This can often be felt as pressure or tension on the physical level. As this stuck energy is released, it is replaced with a sense of relief and wellbeing. When we restore the flow of your inner energy, we also restore the flow of the energy you put out into the world.
In other terms, when stuck or conflicting energy is healed within you, this healing also appears in your life.
EFT can also effectively decrease the intensity of your feelings regarding your challenging situation. As you feel calmer, your limiting beliefs often turn into expansive beliefs that support better your potential. You may also experience shifts in how you perceive yourself or your environment. As Dr. Wayne Dyer commented:
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
Why I offer EFT?
At the end of a session of EFT, patients often feel calmer and lighter. This is due to the energetic shifts that occur during the session. It is not only stuck energy that moves, but also stuck thinking and stuck feelings. EFT is a very clearing technique. It declutters all that is not serving the patient well, so to give them a chance to have new experiences.
I view EFT as my major decluttering tool. Clutter is not just excess items in your physical space. Clutter is everything standing between you and your dream or wellbeing.
Here are some things I have heard during EFT sessions
- I feel lighter
- I feel better about it.
- This is powerful stuff!
- I can’t believe I can remember this memory and not be emotional!
How it works
During a session, clients talk and focus on negative emotions or challenging memories while tapping on acupuncture points. The tapping helps to calm the body down and to process the negative emotions. When negative emotions are repressed instead of being expressed, they can manifest themselves into physical discomforts like anxiety, fertility issues, insomnia, weight problems, back or shoulder pain, feeling stuck in life, etc…
However, the combination of talking about an issue, feeling the related emotions and physical blockages while tapping can return the energetic body to a balanced state. This, in turn, can resolve the manifestation of symptoms and, more generally, of life blockages. Moreover, EFT has not only the potential to create change but also to create lasting change.
Most EFT patients report at the end of an EFT session that they feel calmer, relieved or lighter.
How often do I need to come?
Two to three sessions of EFT can bring about significant shifts. Depending on individual cases and therapeutic goals, the clients may choose to come for more sessions. We work as a team to figure out how I can best support you in your healing.
In this study, the researchers stated that EFT is a cost-efficient therapy that is generally effective with PTSD in 4 to 10 sessions. This study included war veterans and sufferers of complex PTSD.
My experience is that most patients experience significant progress, working through their therapeutic goals in 2 to 5 sessions. Some then choose to come for a few more regular sessions or for top up sessions.
Find out more about EFT for fertility
Find out more about Fatima
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