The practice of acupuncture originates in China and dates back to 2,000 years ago. Chinese medicine has Qi as a central notion. Qi is the vital force that is part of every living thing. Pain and disease arise when this vital force is out of balance. Therefore, Chinese medicine focuses on rebalancing the energetic equilibrium of the body. By doing so, it helps the body release pain and illness in order to return to its healthiest state.
Acupuncturists, trained in the Chinese medical tradition, diagnose patients holistically. Examining holistically means that practitioners fully understand the interdependence of the mind, the physical body and the emotional aspect of patients. Once they reach a diagnosis and treatment plan, acupuncturists then use very fine needles in specific acupuncture points of the body. This should leave patients feeling relaxed and gradually healthier.
Acupuncture may benefit many conditions, including:
- Aches and pain
- Fertility issues (female and male)
- Pregnancy support
- Feeling stressed
- Sleep disorder
- Digestive complaints
- Headaches
- And many more conditions…
To book an appointment or for any questions you may have, please contact us.
What to expect:
- During the first session, there is a thorough consultation. The practitioner asks multiple questions. These questions focus on the patient’s general health and wellbeing. They may include questions about the patient’s bodily functions, aches and pains as well as emotional state. There may also be other questions about the patient’s life in general. The aim of this consultation is to help the practitioner form a diagnosis and treatment plan.
- Following the consultation, the patient uncovers parts of the body where extremely fine needles will be applied. Most commonly, the areas needled are on the limbs, abdomen and on the back.
- Once the fine needles are applied, most patients close their eyes and relax for about fifteen to twenty minutes.
- The practitioner might check the patient’s pulse or areas of imbalance (that were found during the consultation) in order to assess when to remove the needles.
- At the end of the treatment, the practitioner may give some beneficial lifestyle advice.
- The follow up sessions are shorter, as the consultation is much more concise: the practitioner is just gathering information in order to update the treatment plan.
Both Murad and Fatima are members of the British Acupuncture Council.
The location of our acupuncture clinic is in Kingston-upon-Thames. We treat patients from all over Surrey and London.