Acupuncture, Cranial Release Technique
Energy medicine for:
- Physical symptoms
- Acute and chronic conditions
- Sports performance
About Murad
Murad is an acupuncturist who has completed trainings both in the UK and in China. He has also travelled to America to study Cranial Release Technique (CRT) with the founder Dr. Doreste. This was over a dozen years ago. Subsequently, he is one of the very first CRT practitioners in the U.K.
Murad is very interested in how the power of energy medicine can help with all aspects of the human body. Above all, he combines Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern techniques to efficiently address physical symptoms.
Clinical practice
In his clinical practice, Murad helps patients with a wide spectrum of health issues. This is from straightforward conditions to severe and complex problems. His treatments assist people with both acute and chronic conditions. Moreover, the symptoms of his patients can be anything from aches and pains, other physical symptoms or systemic body issues.
Murad’s patients find his treatments appeasing on the physical level. They often comment on the positive effect it also has on their mental-emotional wellbeing.
Murad first qualified as a dental surgeon, but he now solely practices Chinese and complementary medicine. While working in dentistry, Murad’s attention gradually turned to the Eastern art of healing. In 2004, Murad’s growing interest in holistic health led him to train and work as an acupuncturist. The highlight of his training was an internship at the Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in Eastern China.
An avid learner, Murad continues to regularly expand his knowledge and clinical skills. He likes to keep up with techniques taught by the most experienced teachers of Chinese Medicine from around the world.
Murad is a full member of the British Acupuncture Council and he adheres to the strictest guidelines governing the practice of Acupuncture, giving his patients the confidence, they are in safe and trusted hands.
If you would like to book or discuss your health concerns, please contact us.